• A Tenriugi Daeng Pine Akfar Yamasi Makassar
  • Hernawati Basir Akademi Farmasi Yamasi Makassar
  • Muh. Anwar


Banana plants kepok ( Musa paradisiaca L.) Known to have large has its pharmacological effects and used in traditional medicines .One of the plants that used in the community is leaves as a wrapper food as adder flavored turned out to have efficacy as antioxidant and antimikroba .To be as raw materials for traditional medicine needs to be specific and undergone a nonspecific parameter The purpose of this research is to know the parameter of extracts ethanol nonspecific specific and banana leaf kepok obtained by means of extracting using ethanol 96 % method maceration and produce values as 4,62 % rendamen as much as .Done testing parameters specific and that the organoleptik nonspecific , the compound insoluble water and ethanol , as the keel drying .Banana leaf extract kepok produced is extract viscous , dark brown , it has a characteristic odor , and taste .The compound dissolved in water by 66,66 % ± % 6 , while the compound late ethanol by 57,33 %±2,08 % .And the keel of drying by 3,95 %±1%.


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