Karakterisasi Mutu Fisik Teh Celup Kulit Buah Kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica L)

Karakterisasi Mutu Fisik Teh Celup Kulit Buah Kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica L)

  • Nurul Hidayah Base Akademi Farmasi Yamasi


The skin of the arabica coffee fruit (Coffea arabica L.) is the outermost part of the coffee fruit which contains polyphenolic compounds which can counteract free radicals and has high antioxidant activity, but has not been utilized optimally by the public. This study aims to determine whether Arabica coffee pod skin can be made into herbal tea bags and to characterize its physical quality based on the state of the steeping water, pH, water content and extract content in water. The research method used was a laboratory experiment by making herbal tea bags from Arabica coffee fruit peels, which were then characterized by physical quality with reference to SNI (3836: 2013). The results of testing the characterization of the physical quality of herbal tea bags from Arabica coffee pods showed that the steeping water was brownish red in color, had a distinctive aromatic odor and was tasteless. The pH is 4 (pH requirements 3.7-6.1), the water content is 7.7% (< 8%), and the extract content in water is 36% (> 32%). So it can be concluded that Arabica coffee pod skin can be made into herbal tea bags with physical quality characteristics that are in accordance with the physical quality requirements of packaged dry tea.


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