• Rusmin Rusmin Akfaryamasi


Abstract. Daun sendok (Plantago Major L) is a plant that is considered a weed by the community which is known to contain flavonoid compounds, saponins, alkaloids, tannins and phenols as antifungals. This study aims to determine the activity of the feminine cleansing soap activity test of daun sendok extract (Plantago Major L.) against the fungus Candida albicans. The method used is the disk diffusion method (paper disk) using 3 petri dishes in which each cup contains 4 paper disks which are given negative control, 1% b/v concentration of daun sendok extract soap, 2% b/v daun sendok extract soap and positive control. The results of the research conducted on testing the activity of female cleansing soap using daun sendok extract (Plantago Major L.) as an antifungal, that is the results obtained from daun sendok extract soap using a concentration of 1% b/v and 2% b/v, which cannot inhibit the growth of Candida albicans.


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