A Form of Concern Against Covid-19 Through The Activities of the New Normal Kit to Market Traders Tidung City of Makassar
Market is one of the spread of Covid-19 was the cluster , so that the market as requiring special
attention to order to prevent the spread of the virus corona .As an effort to prevent the spreading of
Covid-19 in market environment , done devotion the community whose aim is to order to prevent the
spread via the division of new normal kit to the traders Tidung market Bonto Makkio the city of
Makassar. The devotion is preventive measures 19 covid transmission of the pandemic the Heart' ' seen
as a community of economics .If the heart is disabled and move , economy and will be paralysed .It is the
devotion to the high interest traders team devotion and accept with very enthusiastic new normal kit
distributed. Enthusiastic people show that they need protection of virus Covid-19 that attacks of the
respiratory tract and the highly lethal .Great expectations of the team pkm to the activities of this is it
may be that the people who receive new normal kit can provide education to the people conveying to
wear mask when being out of the house and in public places , washing your hands after contact directly
with others , and always keep at a distance
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