• Ahmad Haikal Zamzami Zamzami UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Akiful Khoir
  • Alifia Putri Febriyanti
  • Binti Ni'matul Mufarrichah
  • Dewi Nur Aini
  • Diva Libriyani Syauqi Ningrum
  • Nada Nafisati Zahrah
Keywords: Early marriage, Impact, Society, Pandansari Vilage


Based on research and interviews, there are 16 people consisting of 1 man and 15 women who get married at the age of 19 in  2022 from   January to December. Health impacts both psychologically and biologically often occur for couples who are not physically or mentally prepared. This can be in the form of child mental health disorders, domestic violence, malnutrition, premature babies, physical disabilities, or even death in the mother and fetus and child.   Early marriage is usually  motivated by  social matters such as economic problems, traditions, getting pregnant outside of marriage,  low levels of  education  , and coercion  from  the old man himself.  One  of the  efforts to reduce cases of  early marriage has been carried out quite often by  the  Pandansari Village government in collaboration with the Poncokusumo District  KUA  and the  Poncokusumo District HEALTH CENTER   namely carrying out socialization to all levels of society in Pandansari Village. In Indonesia,  the  minimum  age for a person  to perform marriage is at  the  age of 19 years as stated in Article 7  of the Marriage Law  No. 16 of  2019   . In Islam itself,  the  law of marriage is mubah or  permissible, but it can change its law according to  one's wishes or wishes  . In carrying out the marriage of the  bride  and groom  and their families, they  must pay attention to the legal aspects of the  marriage so as not to cause chaos  in  the future  , especially in baligh age  for the bride and groom.


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