The activity of making dishwashing liquid soap and clothes washing soap is interesting for the public because it can increase knowledge about how to make soap. Dish washing soap is an ingredient that has become a daily necessity, especially for housewives. The high cost of dishwashing soap products on the market can be overcome by making your own dishwashing soap with good quality and more economy that can be used for daily needs or for sale. With self-made cleaning soap. This can reduce household expenses for buying market cleaning soap because the soap is made cheaper and more soap products are produced. The aim of this activity is to provide education and training in making dishwashing soap and clothes washing soap that is safe to use to the people of the Katangka area, Gowa Regency. The method used in this activity was in the form of counseling and providing tutorials on making dishwashing soap which were listened to directly by the participants present. The number of participants who attended this service activity was 39 people, all of whom were residents of Katangka Village, Bontonompo District, Gowa Regency. This activity provides results in the form of increasing knowledge and skills for the community regarding making dishwashing soap and clothes washing soap products that are safe to use. This activity went smoothly as planned. Participants are very enthusiastic about taking part in training that can increase their skills and at the same time create new and independent entrepreneurs and turn them into business opportunities. Based on the activities that have been carried out, it can be concluded that training in making dish soap and clothes washing soap can increase the knowledge and education of the people of Katangka Village, Bontonompo District, Gowa Regency in making safe washing soap products.
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Zadama: Jumal Pengabdian Masyarakat,1(1), Juli (2022) -Asli Lase6Copyright ©
2022Zadama: Jumal Pengabdian MasyarakatP-ISSN (2962-6943)& E-ISSN (2962-6935)