JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT YAMASI http://jurnal.yamasi.ac.id/index.php/JPMY <p>Jurnal ini merupakan jurnal nasional sebagai wadah publikasi atas kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah diselenggarakan sebagai wujud pelaksanaan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. JPMY ini terbit dua kali pada bulan April dan Oktober setiap tahunnya. Berisikan informasi seputar kegiatan pengabdian di bidang kesehatan secara umum.</p> Akademi Farmasi Yamasi Makassar en-US JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT YAMASI 2986-0121 PENYULUHAN KESEHATAN: BAHAYA ROKOK BAGI KESEHATAN DI PONDOK PESANTREN AN NAHDLAH MAKASSAR http://jurnal.yamasi.ac.id/index.php/JPMY/article/view/329 <p><em>Smoking is one of the main risk factors for several chronic diseases that can result in death, so it can be a big problem for public health. Educational activities about the dangers of smoking for health were given to Aliyah students at the An-Nahdlah Islamic Boarding School in Makassar with a total of 40 participants. The aim of this activity is to increase students' awareness of the bad effects of smoking on health. This activity method begins with filling out a pre-test knowledge questionnaire about the dangers of smoking, which is then continued with counseling by the resource person and completing the post-test questionnaire again. The results of filling out the questionnaire after the counseling had increased, namely 90% of students understood the bad effects of smoking. During the counseling, students were very enthusiastic in listening to the presenters, so it is hoped that this activity will be encouraged, especially in the world of education.</em></p> St. Maryam Andi Emelda Rahmawati Rais Razak Irma Santi Rezki Amriati Copyright (c) 2024 St. Maryam, Andi Emelda, Rahmawati, Rais Razak, Irma Santi, Rezki Amriati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-05-13 2024-05-13 3 1 1 7 10.59060/jpmy.v3i1.329 PEMERIKSAAN KESEHATAN GRATIS KEPADA DISABILITAS TULI http://jurnal.yamasi.ac.id/index.php/JPMY/article/view/330 <p>Pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap pentingnya deteksi dini terhadap &nbsp;penyakit tidak menular (PTM). tidak terkecuali dapat diberikan kepada disabilitas tuli. Disabilitas tuli seringkali mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses informasi tentang kesehatan dan layanan kesehatan. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh hambatan bahasa, keterbatasan aksesibilitas media, dan kurangnya pengetahuan tentang hak-hak mereka. Disabilitas tuli dapat mengalami diskriminasi dan stigma dalam sistem perawatan kesehatan, yang dapat membuat mereka enggan untuk mencari layanan kesehatan. Pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis bertujuan memberikan kesempatan bagi disabilitas tuli untuk mendapatkan informasi dan edukasi tentang penyakit degeneratif, termasuk cara pencegahan, deteksi dini, dan pengobatan. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan kesadaran mereka tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan dan melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara rutin<strong>. </strong>&nbsp;Dari hasil pemeriksaan 44 orang penderita disabilitas, terdapat 27,27 % menderita hipertensi, disusul 22,72 % menderta kolesterol &nbsp;9,09 % , 2,27% menderita diabetes. &nbsp;Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat &nbsp;secara umum berjalan dengan lancar dan masalah kesehatan pada lansia paling banyak adalah asam urat. Oleh karena itu diharapkan melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat &nbsp;ini kesadaran masyarakat khususnya disabilitas tuli tentang kesehatan dapat meningkat agar diperoleh derajat kesehatan yang optimal.</p> Zakiah Thahir Copyright (c) 2024 Zakiah Thahir https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 3 1 8 13 10.59060/jpmy.v3i1.330 PENYULUHAN INTERAKSI OBAT DENGAN NUTRIEN PADA MAHASISWA FARMASI ANGKATAN 2023 UIN MALANG PENDERITA BAPILNAS http://jurnal.yamasi.ac.id/index.php/JPMY/article/view/332 <p><em>Drug and food interactions can increase or decrease the therapeutic effects of drugs. This study aims to evaluate the level of knowledge of Pharmacy students class of 2023 UIN Malang about drug interactions with nutrients in patients with cough and cold and fever. Offline and online methods were used in this study, with observation, counseling, and evaluation of respondents' level of understanding. The results showed an increase in student knowledge after counseling, indicating a positive influence of health counseling on student understanding of drug interactions with nutrients. BAPILNAS drug interaction counseling proved to have a significant effect on increasing the knowledge of Pharmacy students in the Class of 2023 UIN Malang. With the potential for drug interactions to occur at any age, this counseling is expected to prevent serious impacts on clinical outcomes. In conclusion, BAPILNAS drug interaction counseling has a significant effect on increasing the knowledge of Pharmacy students in the Class of 2023.</em></p> Alifia Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Alifia Putri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 3 1 14 20 10.59060/jpmy.v3i1.332 PENINGKATAN KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI KEGIATAN SENAM PAGI DI DUSUN KARANG KEMIRI DESA LINGGASARI http://jurnal.yamasi.ac.id/index.php/JPMY/article/view/331 <p><em>Karang Kemiri Hamlet is one of the hamlets in Linggasari Village. In order to improve the health level of the residents of this hamlet, healthy exercise is carried out in the morning. Gymnastics is a type of physical sport that involves body exercises that are selected and arranged systematically with the aim of increasing physical fitness, improving skills, and instilling mental and spiritual values. When doing gymnastics, it is usually always accompanied by music. The method used is to arrange an event, time and place that will be participated in by the hamlet residents in this village. The impacts that will be obtained from this morning exercise include increasing the body's immunity and helping to normalize blood flow and train stiff nerves when you wake up. This activity went well and smoothly. This is indicated by the enthusiasm of residents in participating in this activity.</em></p> sri royani Copyright (c) 2024 sri royani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 3 1 21 24 10.59060/jpmy.v3i1.331